Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Scorching Heat

오늘은 너~무 덥다. 이런날은 진짜 집이 최고다.

SO hot today. Home with ac is a sweet home.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Getting Ready for Fall

미국 브랜드 Jcrew 싸이트에 갔더니 벌써 가을 lookbook이 나왔다. 하긴 벌써도 아니지 조금있으면 9월이니깐. Jcrew는 옷도 이쁘지만 스타일링을 너무 잘해서 마음에 든다. 코디도 이쁘고 사진도 잘찍고 진짜 사고싶게 만든다. 이번 시즌에는 neutral이 유행이지만 저런 짇은 빨강을 넣는것도 됀찮은 것같다. 아 그리고 저 빤짝이 바지는 실제로 입기는 부담되지만 그래도 너무 탐나는 아이템. 가을은 레이어로 입을수 있어 내가 제일 좋아하는 계절이다.

Really love Jcrew's Fall lookbook. I love the clothes but I also love how they style the outfits. Every season do they not only style well but take amazing photographs to entice me to shop. Although neutrals are in this season it's good to see a little bit of colour here and there like the deep read suede pumps or the wool skirt. I think I'd feel a little self conscious wearing those spangled pants but they're still really pretty to look at. Fall's definitely my fave season because I get to layer all my pieces and I can still wear pretty shoes before the weather gets too cold and slushy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ALMOST There...

롤라의 벼룩시장이 곳 문을연다! 무언가를 열심히 준비하고 개봉한다는게 참 설래인다.  (위에것은 이번에 찍은 카달로그 컷중)

Lola's Fleamarket is opening soon! I can't wait! (top image is one of the lookbook spreads)

Monday, August 23, 2010

On a Sunny Afternoon...

동네에 있는 카페에 갔다. 값은 조금 비싸지만 커피랑 빵이 진짜 맛있다. 종업원이 새로나온 얼린커스타드 (그냥 조금더 구수한 아이스크림)를 맛 보여주겠다며 샘플을줬다. 월래는 간단하게 먹을려고 갔겄만 결국엔 동생은 산딸기 얼린 커스타드 나는 아몬드 크로상, 나나이모바에 커피까지 시켰다 ㅋㅋ. 쉬는 날엔 이렇게 여유롭게 디저트로 배채우고 동내를 산책하는 것도 꽤 괜찮은거같다. 매일 할 수 없는게 아쉽지만.

My sister and I to a cafe near our house. The price is a little high but their coffee and pastries are really good. One of the employee offered us some frozen custard (it's like ice cream) samples in three flavours and they were all SO good. It was supposed to be a quick stop over but we ended up ordering raspberry frozen custard, almond croissant, nanaimo bar and coffee. On a day off, it's pretty nice to just chill at a cafe eating desserts and going on a stroll around the neighbourhood. It's just too bad I can't do it everyday.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


내가 자주 쓰는 아이들. 비싸고 엄청 좋은 물건들은 아니지만 내손때탄 정든 아이들이다.
Pics of acc. that I use a lot. They aren't expensive high quality stuff but they've grown on me over the last few years.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


아직 다간건 아니지만 2010년도는 어느해보다 빨리 가고있는거같다. 앨범을 정리하다가 이것저것 찾았다.

It's crazy how fast time travels. I think 2010 is going by faster than any other year. After looking through my album I found a whole bunch of random images that I like.

요즘엔 잘안갔는데 한때는 베트남식당에 진짜 많이갔다. 바로 요놈들 때문. 너무너무 맞있는 베트남씩 닭고기바베큐. 중국음식다음으로 싼 베트남쌈이나 바베큐는 허기잘지는 나에겐 소중한 음식이었다. 아니 지금도 그렇다. ㅋㅋ.

It's been awhile but I used to go eat Vietnemese chicken barbeque all the time. Seriously, they're SO good! Because they're the cheapest food next to Chinese, they're perfect for people who get hungry easily (me).
작년 5월에 한국에 갔었는데 그때 동생이 너무 심심해서 혼자 별다방에서 이책을 읽었단다. 내가 제일 좋아한 책중에 하난데 진짜 의외였다. 혼자 커피숍에서 한가하게 이런거 할애가 아닌데...ㅋㅋ. 암튼 정말 심심했나보다.

I was in Korea last May and my sister must've been really bored because she went to Starbucks just to chill and read. She read one of my favourite books, Stuart McLean's Vinyl Cafe. It's weird because she never hangs out at coffee shops by herself. I guess she really was that bored without me.
패션계에서는 꽤 유명한 Dsquared 쌍둥이 형제가 학교에 왔었다. 아마 학장의 인맥 때문이 아닌가싶다. Dean하고 Cain은 나보다 키가 작았고 목소리는 나보다 훨씬 높았다. 거의 탤래파시수준으로 서로의 말을 이었고 웃을때도 동시에 웃었다. 나는 어렸을때부터 쌍둥이 친구들이 많았지만 이렇게 똑같이 옷입고 행동하는 쌍둥이는 처음 봤다. 열심히 패션일 얘기할때도 그냥 Dean이랑 Cain이 신기해서 대충들었다 (어차피 별로 알찬정보는 없었음).

Dsquared visited my school not too long ago. It was probably through some connection that they came. Dean and Cain were shorter than me and their voices were a lot higher than mine. They were pretty telephatic together seeing that they always finished each other's sentences. They even laughed at the same time. I've always had a lot of twins around since childhood but Dean and Cain were an exceptional case. They not only acted the same but even dressed identically. I wasn't too keen on listening to what they were saying about the fashion industry because I was just busy being fascinated by them doing their twins stuff (they weren't talking about anything new anyway).

동생이 하는 조사(?) 따라서 멀쩡한 집나두고 하루 묵었던 배드엔 브랙퍼스트. 방이 조금 작았지만 빠른 인터넷과 큰 티비덕분에 그다지 심심하진 않았다. 야식을 과하게 먹어서 다음날 얼굴이 많이 부었지만.

My sister and I stayed at this bed and breakfast place for some research that she was doing. She we ended up staying over a night even though we live in the same city lol. Although the room was fairly small the internet was fast and the tv was big so the stay wasn't too boring. I did end up with a bloated face due to eating too much midnight snacks.

해마다 기대하고 갔다가 실망하는 아트페스티발 누이 블랑쉬. 은토끼랑 큰글씨간판들은 그나마 웅장해서 볼만했다. 월래 유럽거라 그런지 토론토는 뭔가 항상 아쉽다. 한2년전 부터갔었는데 분발은 커녕 점점 전시거리가 떨어지는 분이기다. 이번은 어떨지... 기대안한다. ㅋㅋ.

Ever year I go expecting more and get disappointed at Nuit Blanche. The giant silver bunny and the neon letter were the few pieces that were worth seeing last year. I'm not sure if it's because Nuit Blanche originated from Europe but the Toronto one is just not that eventful as they advertise it to be. I think they're running out of pieces to display because there was one guy who displayed himself as a piece. I was so confused! I think they need to raise the standards for the kinds of art being exhibited.

Friday, August 13, 2010

She Sells Seashells by the Seashore

여름의 끝은 다가오고 있지만 나는 바닷가의 바캉스를 꿈꾼다. 조게나 이런 charm들을 보면 몇년전에 갔던 말레이시아를 떠오르게한다. 그때는 너무 더워서 항상 칭얼거렸는데 지금은 그 모든순간들이 다 좋은 추억으로 남겨저있다.

Although summer's slowly coming to an end I'm dreaming of a beach vacation. Shell pendants and charms like these are nostalgic because they remind me of the Malaysia trip few years back. It's weird because all the humidity and the smell of the mould are now remembered as beautiful moments lol.

photo sources: maga jewellery & apreski

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Berry Berry in My Tummy

처음으로 블루베리를 따러갔다. 딸기는 많이 따러가봤는데 블루베리는 처음이었다. 열매는 기대이상이었고 수확의 기쁨은 두배였다. 원래는 안돼지만 몇게 먹었는데 정~말 맛있었다. 엄마는 벌레가 없다며 신기해 했고 동생은 여기 다시 꼭 와야됀다며 중얼거렸다.
진짜 웃긴건 한시간넘께 걸려 갔는데 막상 농장에서는 한시간도 안있었다.
아무런 계획없이 갔지만 재밌었고 내생에서 오늘 블루베리를 재일 많이 먹었다. 블루베리를 안따본 사람들한테는 강추!

I've gone strawberry picking many times but picking blueberries was a first today. The berries were really big but the joy of picking them was even bigger. We weren't supposed to eat them in the field but I had a couple lol. They were SOOO good. I've always liked blueberries but after today I officially love them! My mom was amazed that the blueberry bushes were insect free and my sister was busy mumbling how we have to come back again for another picking session.
It's funny because it took us more than an hour to get to the farm but we were there for less an hour. We went unplanned but this experience turned out to be a lot of fun and I don't think I have ever eaten so many blueberries in my life. I definitely recommend this for those who have never gone :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


이런거 너무좋다. 꼭 시도해봐야지.
Love! I'm definitely going to try this out sometime.
source: missatlaplaya

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Greek Garden

어떤때는 가길 싫어도 막상 가보면 기대 이상일때가 있다. 이곳이 그랬다. 별로 좋아하지 않은 동내에 있는데 의외로 공원안은 정말 이뻤다. 그리스풍의 벽과 동상들 그리고 정원도 관리가 잘돼있었다. 나중에 알았는데 결혼촬영지로 많이 쓰여져 보통때는 허가를 받고 사진을 찍어야 됀다고. 프리마켓은 좀 지루해서 사진만 실컷 찍다갔다. 동생이랑 나중에 우리도 여기서 촬영할려면 허가를 받아야겠지 그러면서.

Sometimes when I don't want to go somewhere the place unexpectedly turns out to be a pleasant surprise. This place was like that. It's located in a neighbourhood where I'm not particularly fond of but this park was so pretty. There were so many Greekesque mentels, statues, walls and not to mention a well maintained garden which is hard to come by in this city. It turns out that this park is often used as a photo shoot location so a city permit is a must. After finding that out I started shooting as many pics as I can so that I can use them as references for later. Although the market was unexciting, my little photo session definitely made up for it. My sister and I left discussing how we should get a permit for our shoot in the future.