Sunday, August 8, 2010

Greek Garden

어떤때는 가길 싫어도 막상 가보면 기대 이상일때가 있다. 이곳이 그랬다. 별로 좋아하지 않은 동내에 있는데 의외로 공원안은 정말 이뻤다. 그리스풍의 벽과 동상들 그리고 정원도 관리가 잘돼있었다. 나중에 알았는데 결혼촬영지로 많이 쓰여져 보통때는 허가를 받고 사진을 찍어야 됀다고. 프리마켓은 좀 지루해서 사진만 실컷 찍다갔다. 동생이랑 나중에 우리도 여기서 촬영할려면 허가를 받아야겠지 그러면서.

Sometimes when I don't want to go somewhere the place unexpectedly turns out to be a pleasant surprise. This place was like that. It's located in a neighbourhood where I'm not particularly fond of but this park was so pretty. There were so many Greekesque mentels, statues, walls and not to mention a well maintained garden which is hard to come by in this city. It turns out that this park is often used as a photo shoot location so a city permit is a must. After finding that out I started shooting as many pics as I can so that I can use them as references for later. Although the market was unexciting, my little photo session definitely made up for it. My sister and I left discussing how we should get a permit for our shoot in the future.

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