Monday, September 5, 2011

School is like Gluten

Hmmm... unfortunately I have already started to procrastinated and didn't post anything for the past couple of days. I'm terribly sorry and I apologize. With this whole craze about gluten free products, I have been meaning to try gluten free bread. Don't get me wrong, I don't have celiacs and I LOVE bread but just wanted to try something new. I went to Noah's and bought Bob Mill's gluten free Chocolate Cake Mix. Just like any other cake mix, it's really simple to make. All you need to do is add creamed butter, milk, eggs, and boiling water and voila, you have gluten free chocolate cake! I must admit, as I was stirring all of the ingredients together it smelled very grassy, like a whole bunch of herbs and grass mixed together with organic cocoa powder. It said on the package to bake for about 40 minutes, but I don't know if there was something wrong with my oven but I ended up baking it for about an hour. When it came out, I was pleasantly surprised and because I was too eager to eat it, I don't have a picture of the beautiful cake straight out of the oven. :(
Sorry for the really ugly plate. I promise I will try to purchase more pretty things instead of practical items. The picture doesn't do it any justice but it was actually really tasty. I don't normally say things that are healthy taste good, but this was a pleasant surprise. I also added a blueberry cream cheese spread to my cake which complimented it perfectly. I think it's cake mix is a really good alternative to those who have gluten allergy. It had a good texture and tasted like real bread. If you wanted to have this a vegan recipe, you could substitute the butter, milk and eggs for vegan alternatives.

Eating the last of my frozen blueberries that I had freshly picked at the blueberry farm up in Barrie made me a little sad to know that summer was over. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new semester and oddly enough, I guess even the weather knew that. It was suddenly much cooler today (15 degrees Celcius) and it seems like it will stay like that for the rest of the week. I took all my long-sleeves out and was happy to be in my blazer which I haven't been able to wear all summer. 
This semester I'm trying to make it my goal to eat and live healthy. Last semester I did so much damage to my body that I feel like it's time for me to take care of it. Once I find more gluten free recipes, I want to go on a month gluten free diet. Speaking of gluten free, school is like gluten, something that SHOULD be taken out of your life. Everyone 굳밤!

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